England’s World Cup final hat-trick hero Sir Geoff Hurst wins neighbourhood row to save posh town from eyesore

England’s World Cup final hat-trick hero Sir Geoff Hurst wins neighbourhood row to save posh town from eyesore

ENGLAND’S World Cup final hat-trick hero Sir Geoff Hurst has won his fight to stop a huge mobile phone mast being put up opposite his home.

Sir Geoff, who famously scored three of the goals that helped England beat West Germany 4-2 in 1966, was one of dozens of people who objected to the giant aerial in a posh part of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

GettySir Geoff, seen here in 2020, successfully objected to the phone mast being built[/caption]

Getty – ContributorPittsville Park in Cheltenham is a Grade II registered park and garden[/caption]

The Three Lions hero could be accused of being a conspiracy theorist after he complained it could be a “health hazard” – a fact that remains unproven.

Many others were horrified, saying it would spoil the look of the Regency town’s most beautiful park – which is in the affluent and historic Pittville area.

Sir Geoff, who has lived in Cheltenham for many years and is now 81, said in his statement of objection to the town’s planning authority: “I object to the proposed erection of the 5G mast as it will detract from the beauty of the area.

“It is in a conservation area, near the iconic Pump Room and adjacent to Pittville Park, the children’s playground and could be a health hazard.

“It may well be an obstruction/eyesore.”

The former West Ham, Stoke City and West Brom striker, whose third goal at Wembley was scored as some of the crowd ran onto the pitch because they thought the game was all over, lives in an exclusive block of apartments nearby.

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Another resident at that site said, in a written submission to the council: “The proposal would have a significant negative visual impact on Pittville Park, which is an important heritage asset and a quintessential component of what makes Pittville unique.

“The mast and the accompanying cabinets would be visually intrusive and detract from the area’s character and appearance, harming the setting of the central conservation area.”

Cheltenham Borough Council rejected the planning application, saying it would have a “detrimental impact on the design and character of the area”.

An application was submitted by Clarke Telecom’s Michal Laskowski on June 6 this year to the council.

They hoped to build a 15m high pole on the site.

However, on July 28 the council turned the proposal down.

It said in a letter: “The proposed mast, by reason of its size, siting and appearance, would have a detrimental impact on the design and character of the area and would result in unacceptable harm to designated heritage assets, including the character of the Conservation Area and the setting of Pittville Park, a Grade II listed, registered Park and Garden.”

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The Sun Online has contacted Clarke Telecom for comment.

PASir Geoff, along with other locals, said the mast would spoil the look of the mast[/caption]

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